Instructions to Integrate TFDS Datasets

  1. Get the name, version number of the Tensorflow Dataset, and optionally the config: "name[/config]:version_number", where the brackets denote optional text.
  2. Set the environmental variables ARMORY_PRIVATE_S3_ID and ARMORY_PRIVATE_S3_KEY to the appropriate keys with write access to the Armory S3 bucket.
  3. From a locally cloned version of armory, on a new branch, run:
python -m armory exec pytorch -- python -m name[/config]:version

where the brackets denote optional text.

The script will download and process the TFDS dataset, generate TF Records files, create a tarball, and upload the tarball to S3. It also will create a S3 checksum file in armory/data/cached_s3_checksums/{name}.txt

  1. Run git status to confirm the S3 checksum file was generated and to see the path of the template file.
  2. Manually put the template code from TEMPLATE_{name}.txt in armory/data/ Create a context object that contains metadata and a preprocessing function that does appropriate integrity checks/input normalizing. See for example the canonical fixed-size image preprocessing function which checks the shapes of an image, and renormalizes it to be in the appropriate range defined by the context object (typically 0.0-1.0) with a standard type. See the documentation on dataset preprocessing for more details.
  3. [Optional] Add the dataset to the SUPPORTED_DATASETS dictionary by adding a key with the dataset's name and value of the dataset function from the template code.
  4. [Optional] Create a continuous integration test for the dataset in tests/test_docker/, possibly using pytest.skip.
  5. Commit the changes to the branch on your fork of the Armory repo.
  6. Open a PR to integrate the dataset.