
Armory is intended to be a lightweight python package which standardizes all evaluations inside a docker container.


There are three docker images that are currently published to dockerhub the armory framework:

  1. twosixarmory/armory:<version>
  2. twosixarmory/pytorch-deepspeech:<version>
  3. twosixarmory/yolo:<version>

NOTE: as of Armory version 0.15.0, we no longer support or publish a tf1 image. If tf1 functionality is needed, please use the tf2 image and use tf1 compatibility mode.

We additionally publish a base image, twosixarmory/base:latest, from which the three main images are derived. This is updated less frequently, and each release does not necessarily have a corresponding new base.

When using armory launch or armory exec the framework specific arguments will utilize one of these three primary images.

When running armory run <path/to/config.json> the image launched will be whatever is specified in the docker_image field. This enables users to extend our images and run evaluations on an image that has all additional requirements for their defense.

Custom Images

If you wish to utilize custom images for armory, these can be directly specified by either the "docker_image" field of the config file of armory run <path/to/config.json> or in the CLI of the launch and exec commands, as in run launch <custom_image:tag>.

Note: since Armory executes commands on detached containers, the CMD of the Docker image will be ignored and replaced with tail -f /dev/null to ensure that the container does not exit while those commands are being executed.

Interactive Use

As detailed here, it is possible to run the armory docker container in an interactive mode using the --interactive CLI argument on launch or run commands. We recommend this for debugging purposes, primarily.

When run, armory will output instructions for attaching to the container, similar to the following:

*** In a new terminal, run the following to attach to the container:
    docker exec -it -u 1001:1001 c10db6c70a bash
*** To gracefully shut down container, press: Ctrl-C

Note that c10db6c70a in this example is the container ID, which will change each time the command is run. The 1001:1001 represents a mapping of users into the container, and will change between systems and users. As stated, pressing Ctrl-C in that bash terminal will shut down the container. To attach to the container, run the given command in a different bash terminal.

This will bring you into the docker container, and bring up a bash prompt there:

$ docker exec -it -u 1001:1001 c10db6c70a bash
groups: cannot find name for group ID 1001
I have no name!@c10db6c70a81:/workspace$

The groups error and the user name I have no name! may show up, depending on the host system, and can be safely ignored. This is only due to host user not having a corresponding group ID inside the container.

Once inside the container, you should be able to run or import armory as required:

I have no name!@c10db6c70a81:/workspace$ armory version
I have no name!@c10db6c70a81:/workspace$ python
Python 3.7.6 (default, Jan  8 2020, 19:59:22)
[GCC 7.3.0] :: Anaconda, Inc. on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import armory

Please see running_armory_scenarios_interactively.ipynb for a tutorial on running Armory interactively.

Note: We do not recommend using --interactive mode for installing custom requirements. You may run into permissions issues, as everything is installed as root, but the armory user is not run as root, to prevent potential security issues. Instead, we recommend creating a custom Docker image, as described above.

Building Images from Source

When using a released version of armory, docker images will be pulled as needed when evaluations are ran. However if there are issues downloading the images (e.g. proxy) they can be built from the release branch of the repo:

git checkout -b r0.16.0
bash docker/
python docker/ <armory|pytorch-deepspeech|all> [--no-pull]

If possible, we recommend downloading the base image instead of building, which can be done by removing the --no-pull argument from

Docker Volume Mounts

When launching an ARMORY instance several host directories will be mounted within the docker container. Note, the host directory path for datasets, saved_models, and outputs are configurable. To modify those directories simply run armory configure. The defaults are shown below:

Host Path Docker Path
os.getcwd() /workspace
~/.armory/datasets /armory/datasets
~/.armory/saved_models /armory/saved_models
~/.armory/outputs /armory/outputs

When using these paths in code, armory provides a programatic way to access these directories.

PyTorch model persistent storage

If you are using the Armory PyTorch container, published models from PyTorch Hub will often need to be retieved from a remote source. To avoid re-download of that data on each container run, these will be stored in the /armory/saved_models/pytorch container directory which is normally mapped to ~/.armory/saved_models on the host as shown in the table above.

Utilizing the paths

from armory import paths
runtime_paths= paths.runtime_paths()

Using GPUs with Docker

Armory uses the nvidia runtime to use GPUs inside of Docker containers.

Config GPU usage

This can be specified in JSON config files with "sysconfig" as follows:

    "sysconfig": {
        "gpus": "7",
        "use_gpu": true

The use_gpu flag takes a boolean true/false value, and specifies whether to use the gpu or default to cpu. The gpus flag is optional, and is ignored if use_gpu is false. If use_gpu is true, it defaults to using all GPUs. If present, the value should be a ,-separated list of numbers specifying the GPU index in nvidia-smi. For instance, "gpus": "2,4,7" would enable three GPUs with indexes 2, 4, and 7. Setting the field to be all will enable use of all available gpus, i.e. "gpus": "all" will enable all GPUs.

Command line GPU usage

When using the armory commands run, launch, or exec, you can specify or override the above use_gpu and gpus fields in the config with the following command line arguments: 1) --use_gpu This will enable gpu usage (it is False by default). Using the --gpus argument will override this field and set it to True.

2) --gpus This will enable the specified GPUs, similar to the docker --gpus argument. The argument of this must be one of the following: a) --gpus all - use all GPUs b) --gpus # - use the GPU with the specified number. Example: --gpus 2 c) --gpus #,#,...,# - use the GPUs from the comma-separated list. Example: --gpus 1,3 If --gpus is not specified, it will default to the config file if present for run, and will default to all if not present in run or when using launch and exec.


armory run scenario_configs/mnist_baseline.json --use-gpu
armory launch tf2 --gpus=1,4 --interactive
armory exec pytorch --gpus=0 -- nvidia-smi


Armory docker images currently use CUDA 11.6 as the base image ( see Dockerfile-Base) and the TensorFlow versions we support require CUDA 10+. Previous versions of CUDA (e.g. CUDA<11.6) are not actively tested by armory developers or CI tools. However, if previous versions of CUDA are needed, the following instructions should provide a decent starting point.

To use CUDA 10.2, you will need to rebuild the base image and the derived images with the following changes: in docker/Dockerfile-base change:

FROM nvidia/cuda:11.6.1-cudnn8-runtime-ubuntu20.04


FROM nvidia/cuda:10.2-cudnn8-runtime-ubuntu18.04

and then change cudatoolkit=11.6 \ to cudatoolkit=10.2 \.

Again, this is not actively tested, so it may require further modification of library dependencies to work appropriately. Also, while PyTorch does support CUDA 9, we do not provide support in armory due to TFDS dependencies and we do not recommend using versions less than the standard 11.6.

Docker Setup

Depending on the evaluation, you may need to increase the default memory allocation for docker containers on your system.

Linux does not limit memory allocation, but on Mac and Windows this defaults to 2 GB which is likely insufficient. See the docker documentation to change this: * Mac * Windows

Docker Image Maintenance

Since there are new docker images for every release of ARMORY, you may want to clean up your docker image cache as you increase versions.

To display the set of current images on your machine, you can run:

docker images

To delete images, see the docs for docker rmi.

Docker Container Maintenance

In order to see the set of containers that are running, run:

docker ps

ARMORY will attempt to gracefully shut down all containers it launches; however, certain errors may prevent shutdown and leave running containers. To shut down these containers, please see the docs for docker stop and docker kill.

Running without docker

Armory has partial support for users wishing to run without docker. Currently, the armory run command can be run without Docker in Linux environments. To run without docker, either set the docker_image field to be null in the scenario configuration json file, or call armory run with the --no-docker option.

Armory can also download and use datasets without docker. To use the download command, simply add the --no-docker option, which will skip downloading the images and run it in host mode:

armory download <path/to/scenario-set1.json> --no-docker

After datasets have been downloaded, they can be used outside of docker by setting the pathing mode to host in python:

from armory import paths
from import datasets
ds = datasets.mnist()
x, y = next(ds)

Environment setup

NOTE: The listing of libraries needed for Armory when run on host is available at pyproject.toml. You will need to manually install the requirements in that file that match your framework (TF2, PyTorch).

publishing a new base

As of armory v0.15, there is a base docker image which is pushed to dockerhub occasionally. The container description is in Dockerfile-base and there is a tiny helper script.

We do not currently have any verification tests for this build. TODO: add validation tests and make this a CI deployment job, perhaps.

docker credentials

In the GARD Keeper Password manager is the password for twosixarmory on dockerhub. Run

docker login --username twosixarmory

and give it the password when prompted. It should respond Login Succeeded

push the new image

This step is "push to production": it changes the latest image on our official repository, so has the potential to break all container builds by any armory user anywhere.

If you do discover a breaking change, the only fix is to push a new image, since dockerhub does not allow reversion

There is a --dry-run option which allows you to see what commands would be run. It's a good idea to run that first:

bash docker/ --dry-run --push

When satisfied that you want that run:

bash docker/ --push

Will tag the image properly and push it to dockerhub. There will be two new tags created at


both with the same digest.

You might want to end with

docker logout

to avoid accidental docker push commands from using the shared account.