Command Line Usage


  • armory <command> --root [...] Applies to run, launch, and exec commands.

This will run the docker container as root instead of the host user. NOTE: this is incompatible with --no-docker mode. NOTE: --jupyter only runs as root currently, and will ignore this argument.

Example Usage

To run a single scenario as root:

armory run official_scenario_configs/cifar10_baseline.json --root

To accept a config file from standard in:

more official_scenario_configs/cifar10_baseline.json | armory run -

To execute the id command in the container:

$ python -m armory exec pytorch --root -- id
2020-07-15 15:02:20 aleph-5.local[35987] INFO ARMORY Instance c1045b0ed3 created.
2020-07-15 15:02:20 aleph-5.local armory.eval.evaluator[35987] INFO Running bash command: id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)


  • armory <command> --gpus=X [...]
  • armory <command> --use-gpu [...] Applies to run, launch, and exec commands.

This will specify whether to run GPUs and which ones to run. If the --gpus flag is used, it will set --use-gpu to True. The argument X for --gpus can be a single number, "all", or a comma-separated list of numbers without spaces for multiple GPUs.

The --use-gpu flag will simply enable gpus. If a config is being run, the gpus used will be pulled from the config. If a config is not being run or that field is not in the config, it will default to all.

NOTE: when running a config, these will overwrite the fields inside the config.

Example Usage


armory run scenario_configs/mnist_baseline.json --use-gpu
armory launch tf2 --gpus=1,4 --interactive
armory exec pytorch --gpus=0 -- nvidia-smi

Check Runs, Number of Example Batches, Indexing, and Class Filtering

  • armory run <config> --check [...]
  • armory run <config> --num-eval-batches=X [...]
  • armory run <config> --index=a,b,c [...]
  • armory run <config> --classes=x,y,z [...] Applies to run command.

The --check flag will make every dataset return a single batch, which is useful to quickly check whether the entire scenario correctly runs. It will also ensure that the number of training epochs and certain attack parameters are set to 1.

The --num-eval-batches argument will truncate the number of batches used in both benign and adversarial test sets. It is primarily designed for attack development iteration, where it is typically unhelpful to run more than 10-100 examples.

The --index argument will only use samples from the comma-separated, non-negative list of numbers provided. Any duplicate numbers will be removed and the list will be sorted. If indices beyond the size of the dataset are provided, an error will result at runtime. Cannot be used with the --num-eval-batches argument. Currently, batch size must be set to 1.

The --classes argument will only use samples from the comma-separated, non-negative list of numbers provided. Any duplicate numbers will be removed and the list will be sorted. If indices beyond the size of the dataset are provided, an error will result at runtime. Can be used with --index argument. In that case, indexing will be done after class filtering.

NOTE: --check will take precedence over the --num-eval-batches argument.

Example Usage

armory run scenario_configs/mnist_baseline.json --check
armory run scenario_configs/mnist_baseline.json --num-eval-batches=5

Model Validation

The --validate-config flag will run a series of tests on the model in the selected configuration file. These tests will alert the user to configuration errors (e.g. clip values that do not broadcast correctly to the input), as well as circumstances that may limit the evaluation (e.g. a model without gradients won't work with white box attacks without modification).

Example Usage

armory run scenario_configs/so2sat_baseline.json --validate-config

Skipping Benign Evaluation / Attack Generation

The --skip-benign and --skip-attack flags allow the user to skip, respectively, evaluating on benign samples and generating/evaluating attack samples.

Example Usage

armory run scenario_configs/mnist_baseline.json --skip-benign
armory run scenario_configs/mnist_baseline.json --skip-attack

Skipping Attack of Misclassified Samples

When --skip-misclassified is enabled, for benign examples that yield a misclassification, Armory will simply reuse the benign sample rather than running an attack. Note: the following criteria must be met when --skip-misclassified is enabled:

  1. The scenario must be a classification task (i.e. not object detection, ASR) with the 'categorical_accuracy' metric enabled in the config file.
  2. Batch size must be set to 1
  3. The --skip-benign and --skip-attack flags cannot also be enabled

Example Usage

armory run scenario_configs/mnist_baseline.json --skip-misclassified

command line arguments and sysconfig

For convenience, command line control arguments can be specified in the "sysconfig" block of an evaluation configuration. Adding control to the configuration is described in Configuration Files. Command line arguments will override sysconfig specifications.