Exporting Data

What do we mean by exporting data?

Armory provides the capability of saving off benign and adversarial examples to the Armory output directory. The table below indicates what kind of output you can expect, based on the scenario:

Scenario Output File Type(s)
audio_asr .wav
audio_classification .wav
carla_video_tracking .png, .mp4
dapricot_scenario .png
image_classification .png
object_detection .png, .json
video_ucf101_scenario .png, .mp4

Armory also outputs a pickle file containing ground-truth labels, benign predictions, and adversarial predictions.

How to Export Data

In the "scenario"portion of the config, set the "export_batches" field to the number of batches of data you'd like exported (see configuration_files.md. You can also set this field to true if you'd like for all batches to be exported. If you do not want to export data, you do not need to include this field in the config.

Please see the following example, in which one batch of data will be exported:

  "scenario": {
        "kwargs": {},
        "module": "armory.scenarios.image_classification",
        "name": "ImageClassificationTask",
        "export_batches": 1

Note: If using Armory < 0.15.0, please instead use the "export_samples" field in the "scenario" config. This field was deprecated in Armory 0.15.0.

Exporting/Viewing Data Interactively

If you are running Armory with the --interactive flag, you can interactively view and/or save off data examples. Please see docker.md for instructions on how to run Armory interactively and running_armory_scenarios_interactively.ipynb for a tutorial which includes instructions for exporting samples. Once you've attached to the container, please see the following code snippets for an example of how to view and/or save off data examples:

First, we'll simply load our scenario config and evaluate on one batch of data:

>>> from armory.scenarios.main import get as get_scenario
>>> s = get_scenario("/armory/tmp/2022-03-18T163008.249437/interactive-config.json").load()  # load config
>>> s.next()  # load batch of data
>>> s.evaluate_current()  # make benign prediction, generate adversarial sample, make adversarial prediction

Now at this point, let's say you'd like to save off the benign and adversarial example:

>>> s.x.shape
(1, 32, 32, 3)
>>> s.sample_exporter.export(s.x[0], "benign_x")
>>> s.sample_exporter.export(s.x_adv[0], "adversarial_x")

After calling this method, the images are saved to the scenario output directory:

ls ~/.armory/outputs/2022-03-18T163008.249437/saved_samples/
adversarial_x.png  benign_x.png

If, instead of writing to disk, you'd like to return an individual sample, use the get_sample() method:

>>> img = s.sample_exporter.get_sample(s.x_adv[0])
>>> type(img)
<class 'PIL.Image.Image'>

Exporting Data With Bounding Boxes

For object detection and video tracking scenarios, Armory exports a set of raw images as well as images containing ground-truth (red) and predicted (white) bounding boxes. This will all occur automatically if using Armory in the normal/non-interactive mode, but we include the following interactive example as well:

In the example below, we've already loaded an xView object detection scenario and run evaluate_current() for a single batch before running the following to export the adversarial image with ground-truth and predicted boxes overlaid:

>>> s.sample_exporter.export(
ls ~/.armory/outputs/2022-03-18T181736.925088/saved_samples/

As depicted earlier, the get_sample() method can be used to return the PIL image. The boolean with_boxes kwarg can be used to add bounding boxes to the image. When this is set to True, you must provide values for at least one of y and y_pred.

>>> adv_img = s.sample_exporter.get_sample(s.x_adv[0])
>>> type(adv_img)
<class 'PIL.Image.Image'>

>>> adv_img_with_boxes = s.sample_exporter.get_sample(s.x_adv[0], with_boxes=True, y=s.y[0], y_pred=s.y_pred_adv[0])
>>> type(adv_img_with_boxes)
<class 'PIL.Image.Image'>

>>> s.sample_exporter.get_sample(s.x[0], with_boxes=True)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/workspace/armory/utils/export.py", line 205, in get_sample
    raise TypeError("Both y and y_pred are None, but with_boxes is True")
TypeError: Both y and y_pred are None, but with_boxes is True

If you'd like to include only ground-truth boxes (or only predicted boxes), provide an arg for only y (or only y_pred).

Exporting Multimodal Data

Multimodal CARLA Object Detection

For the multimodal CARLA scenario, depth images are automatically outputted in addition to RGB when "export_batches" is set in the config. If you'd like to interactively return the depth image, call get_sample(x_i[..., 3:]).

So2Sat Image Classification

The get_sample() method for the So2Sat scenario exporter takes a modality arg which must be one of {'vh', 'vv', 'eo'}. Calling export() will save off all three types of examples, which will occur automatically when running a config where "export_batches" is set.

Exporting COCO-Formatted Bounding Boxes

For object detection scenarios, if "export_batches" is set in the config file, Armory will output COCO-formatted JSON files with ground-truth and predicted bounding boxes. These are saved in the scenario output directory as ground_truth_boxes_coco_format.json, benign_predicted_boxes_coco_format.json, and adversarial_predicted_boxes_coco_format.json. Note that this functionality exists separately from the exporters described in this document.