Adversarial Datasets

The module implements functionality to return adversarial datasets of various data modalities. By default, this is a NumPy ArmoryDataGenerator which implements the methods needed by the ART framework.

There are two kinds of adversarial datasets in Armory: preloaded as well as green-screen. Preloaded datasets contain examples with universal adversarial perturbations. For preloaded adversarial datasets, get_batch() returns a tuple of ((data_clean, data_adversarial), label_clean) for a specified batch size in numpy format, where data_clean and label_clean represent a clean example and its true label, and data_adversarial represents the corresponding adversarially attacked example. The lone exception is the APRICOT dataset, which is preloaded but returns a tuple of (data_adversarial, label_adversarial) as the images don't have benign counterparts.

The green-screen adversarial datasets in Armory are DAPRICOT and CARLA. Each image in these datasets contains a green-screen, for which adversarial patches generated during an attack are inserted onto. For these datasets get_batch() returns a tuple of (data_adversarial, (objects_label, green_screen_label)).

Currently, datasets are loaded using TensorFlow Datasets from cached tfrecord files. If the files are not already present locally in your dataset_dir directory, Armory will download them from Two Six's public S3 dataset repository.

Green-screen Image and Video Datasets

name split Description Source Split x_shape x_type y_shape Size
"dapricot_dev_adversarial" ["small", medium", "large", "adversarial"] * Physical Adversarial Attacks on Object Detection dev (nb, 3, 1008, 756, 3) uint8 2-tuple 81 examples (3 images per example)
"dapricot_test_adversarial" ["small", medium", "large", "adversarial"] * Physical Adversarial Attacks on Object Detection test (nb, 3, 1008, 756, 3) uint8 2-tuple 324 examples (3 images per example)
"carla_obj_det_dev" ["dev"] CARLA Simulator Object Detection dev (nb=1, 960, 1280, 3 or 6) uint8 2-tuple 31 images
"carla_obj_det_test" ["test"] CARLA Simulator Object Detection test (nb=1, 960, 1280, 3 or 6) uint8 2-tuple 30 images
"carla_over_obj_det_dev" ["dev"] CARLA Simulator Object Detection dev (nb=1, 960, 1280, 3 or 6) uint8 2-tuple 20 images
"carla_over_obj_det_test" ["test"] CARLA Simulator Object Detection test (nb=1, 960, 1280, 3 or 6) uint8 2-tuple 15 images
"carla_video_tracking_dev" ["dev"] CARLA Simulator Video Tracking dev (nb=1, num_frames, 960, 1280, 3) uint8 2-tuple 20 videos
"carla_video_tracking_test" ["test"] CARLA Simulator Video Tracking test (nb=1, num_frames, 960, 1280, 3) uint8 2-tuple 20 videos
"carla_multi_object_tracking_dev" ["dev"] CARLA Simulator Multi-object Video Tracking dev (nb=1, num_frames, 960, 1280, 3) uint8 2-tuple 20 videos
"carla_multi_object_tracking_test" ["test"] CARLA Simulator Multi-object Video Tracking test (nb=1, num_frames, 960, 1280, 3) uint8 2-tuple 10 videos

* the "small" split, for example, is the subset of images containing small patch green-screens. Using the "adversarial" split returns the entire dataset.

CARLA Multi-Object Tracking

The ground truth annotation for CARLA multi-object tracking is a 2D NDArray where each row represents a detection with format: <timestep> <object id> <bbox top left x> <bbox top left y> <bbox width> <bbox height> <confidence score=1> <class id> <visibility=1>. By nature of this dataset, there may be multiple objects present at each timestep; therefore, each object is assigned an ID so that all annotations corresponding to a given object can be identified. - timestep: The timestep indicates which frame this annotation belongs to; indexing begins at 1. - object id: An id referring to the unique object in the frame that this annotation describes. - bbox top left x: The top left x coordinate of the bounding box of this object. - bbox top left y: The top left y coordinate of the bounding box of this object. - bbox width: The width of the bounding box of this object in pixels. - bbox height: The height of the bounding box of this object in pixels. - confidence score: 1 for ground truth objects; models may output values between 0 and 1 to describe the confidence of their predictions. - class id: The class label of this object. - visibility: 1 for all annotations in this dataset. An object that is not visible will not have an annotation for that timestep.


The D-APRICOT dataset does NOT contain labels/bounding boxes for COCO objects, which may occasionally appear in the background (e.g. car). Each image contains one green screen intended for patch insertion. The green screen shapes vary between diamond, rectangle, and octagon. A dataset example consists of three images, each of a different camera angle of the same scene and green screen. The intended threat model is a targeted attack where the inserted patch is meant to induce the model to predict a specific class at the location of the patch.

CARLA Object Detection

The carla_obj_det_dev and carla_obj_det_test datasets contain rgb and depth modalities. The modality defaults to "rgb" and must be one of ["rgb", "depth", "both"]. When using the dataset function imported from, this value is passed via the modality kwarg. When running an Armory scenario, the value is specified in the dataset_config as such:

 "dataset": {
    "batch_size": 1,
    "modality": "rgb",

When modality is set to "both", the input will be of shape (nb=1, num_frames, 960, 1280, 6) where x[..., :3] are the rgb channels and x[..., 3:] the depth channels. The depth information is encoded on a log scale in grayscale format (all three depth channels are the same).

The carla_over_obj_det_dev dataset has the same properties as the above mentioned datasets but is collected utilizing overhead perspectives. In addition, the depth channels are encoded with an RGB encoding. This depth format can be converted to linear grayscale or log grayscale (e.g. for human viewing) using the utility functions in

Usage of Preloaded Adversarial Datasets

To use a preloaded adversarial dataset for evaluation, set attack_config["type"] to "preloaded" and specify the desired values for the name and adversarial_key keywords in the attack module of a scenario configuration. Valid values for each keyword are given in the table below.

Example attack module for image classification scenario:

"attack": {
    "knowledge": "white",
    "kwargs": {
        "adversarial_key": "adversarial_univpatch",
        "batch_size": 1,
        "description": "'adversarial_key' can be 'adversarial_univperturbation' or 'adversarial_univpatch'"
    "module": "",
    "name": "resisc45_adversarial_224x224",
    "type": "preloaded"

Preloaded Image Datasets

name adversarial_key Description Attack Source Split x_shape x_type y_shape y_type Size
"imagenet_adversarial" "adversarial" ILSVRC12 adversarial image dataset for ResNet50 Targeted, universal perturbation test (nb, 224, 224, 3) uint8 (N,) int64 1000 images
"resisc45_adversarial_224x224" "adversarial_univpatch" REmote Sensing Image Scene Classification Targeted, universal patch test (nb, 224, 224, 3) uint8 (N,) int64 5 images/class
"resisc45_adversarial_224x224" "adversarial_univperturbation" REmote Sensing Image Scene Classification Untargeted, universal perturbation test (nb, 224, 224, 3) uint8 (N,) int64 5 images/class
"apricot_dev_adversarial" ["adversarial", frcnn", "ssd", "retinanet"] Physical Adversarial Attacks on Object Detection Targeted, universal patch dev (nb, variable_height, variable_width, 3) uint8 n/a dict 138 images
"apricot_test_adversarial" ["adversarial", frcnn", "ssd", "retinanet"] Physical Adversarial Attacks on Object Detection Targeted, universal patch test (nb, variable_height, variable_width, 3) uint8 n/a dict 873 images

Note: the APRICOT dataset contains splits for ["frcnn", "ssd", "retinanet"] rather than adversarial keys. See example below. The APRICOT dataset contains labels and bounding boxes for both COCO objects and physical adversarial patches. The label used to signify the patch is the ADV_PATCH_MAGIC_NUMBER_LABEL_ID defined in armory/data/ Each image contains one adversarial patch and a varying number of COCO objects (in some cases zero). COCO object class labels are one-indexed (start from 1) in Armory <= 0.13.1 and zero-indexed in Armory > 0.13.1.

"attack": {
    "knowledge": "white",
    "kwargs": {
        "batch_size": 1,
        "split": "frcnn"
    "module": "",
    "name": "apricot_dev_adversarial",
    "type": "preloaded",

Preloaded Audio Datasets

name adversarial_key Description Attack Source Split x_shape x_type y_shape y_type sampling_rate Size
"librispeech_adversarial" "adversarial_perturbation Librispeech dev dataset for speaker identification Targeted, universal perturbation test (N, variable_length) int64 (N,) int64 16 kHz ~5 sec/speaker
"librispeech_adversarial" "adversarial_univperturbation" Librispeech dev dataset for speaker identification Untargeted, universal perturbation test (N, variable_length) int64 (N,) int64 16 kHz ~5 sec/speaker

Preloaded Video Datasets

name adversarial_key Description Attack Source Split x_shape x_type y_shape y_type Size
"ucf101_adversarial_112x112" "adversarial_patch" UCF 101 Action Recognition Untargeted, universal perturbation test (N, variable_frames, 112, 112, 3) uint8 (N,) int64 5 videos/class
"ucf101_adversarial_112x112" "adversarial_perturbation" UCF 101 Action Recognition Untargeted, universal perturbation test (N, variable_frames, 112, 112, 3) uint8 (N,) int64 5 videos/class

Preloaded Poison Datasets

name split_type Description Attack Source Split x_shape x_type y_shape y_type Size
"gtsrb_poison" poison German Traffic Sign Poison Dataset Data poisoning train (N, 48, 48, 3) float32 (N,) int64 2220 images
"gtsrb_poison" poison_test German Traffic Sign Poison Dataset Data poisoning test (N, 48, 48, 3) float32 (N,) int64 750 images